Automate your healthcare compliance and quality operations.

We're the first ever platform that automates the tedious 90% of healthcare compliance with audits, investigations, monitoring, and revenue. Now, you can finally focus on growth.

We support the widest array of compliance frameworks in healthcare

+ more
Real-Time Autonomous Auditing

Automated Audit & Review

After connecting with you EHR, RCM, and other business software we monitor all of your data against several frameworks and automatically surface noncompliance. From charts to claims.

Auto surface incorrect coding

Provide suggestions for services

Audit for quality & prevent denials/clawbacks

Efficient Review

GRC done for you.

We're also an all in one GRC platform - purpose built for your healthcare organization.

Close investigations & incidents 90% faster.

Assign trainings automatically, based on errors.

Streamline surveys with automated reporting, collection, and prep.

Complete Visibility

Identify gaps instantly.

With a quick view, you can see what's missing from complete compliance. Be confident that you're 100% compliant across your entire organization.

See your risk posture at a glance

Evidence workflows notify for expired policies/documents

Close gaps using our suggestions without searching regulations

Plus so much more. Need something you can't see? We probably can support it. Give us a quick message.

Our customers see a difference

saved annually
+80 Hrs
back to your team / week
less time in data

"Puzzl is a no brainer for our team members, patients, and goals."

- CCO for 250+ Team Home health Agency

Who are we?

Puzzl is run by a team of healthcare product, design, and compliance leaders. We have 1 goal - create a massive ROI for our customers so they can continue to focus on patients.

San Francisco, CA, 94103
© 2024 Puzzl. All right reserved.